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HTET PRT Syllabus

HTET PRT Level 1 2025: Full Syllabus PDF & Exam Pattern

The HTET (Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test) is conducted by the Haryana Government to recruit teachers for primary levels (Class 1-5). This blog provides a detailed overview of the HTET PRT (Primary Teacher) Syllabus and Exam Pattern to help candidates prepare effectively. Read on to understand the syllabus, exam structure, and preparation tips.

Haryana HTET PRT Level 1 Exam Overview

Details Information
Exam Name HTET (Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test)
Level PRT (Primary Teacher – Classes 1-5)
Conducting Body Board of School Education Haryana (BSEH)
Mode of Exam Offline (Pen and Paper)
Total Questions 150
Total Marks 150
Duration 2.5 hours
Negative Marking No
HTET PRT LEVEL 1 Syllabus PDF Available Soon

HTET PRT Exam Pattern

The HTET PRT exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) carrying 1 mark each. The exam is divided into five sections:

Section Number of Questions Marks
Child Development and Pedagogy 30 30
Languages (Hindi and English) 30 (15+15) 30
General Studies (Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, Haryana GK) 30 30
Mathematics 30 30
Environmental Studies 30 30
Total 150 150


HTET PRT Level 1 Full  Syllabus

The syllabus plays a crucial role in preparing for the HTET PRT exam, as candidates must prepare according to the prescribed syllabus. The syllabus has been released along with the official notification on the board’s website. Below is the detailed syllabus for the HTET PRT exam:

HTET PRT Child Development and Pedagogy Syllabus

The HTET PRT Child Development and Pedagogy syllabus focuses on understanding child development stages, teaching methodologies, and effective classroom management techniques. It aims to equip educators with skills for fostering student growth and learning.


Part A: Child Development

  • Concept of development and its relationship with learning.
  • Principles of child development.
  • Influence of heredity and environment on development.
  • Socialization processes: Role of teachers, parents, and peers in a child’s development.
  • Theories of learning: Piaget, Kohlberg, and Vygotsky’s perspectives.
  • Concepts of child-centered and progressive education.
  • Critical perspective of intelligence, multi-dimensional intelligence, language, and thought.
  • Gender as a social construct, gender roles, and gender bias in educational practices.
  • Continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE): Perspective and practice.

Part B: Inclusive Education and Pedagogy

  • Concept of inclusive education.
  • Understanding children with special needs.
  • Learning and pedagogy: Teaching methods and strategies.

HTET PRT Language Syllabus

The HTET PRT Language syllabus emphasizes developing language skills in children, including reading, writing, and comprehension. It covers grammar, vocabulary, and language acquisition techniques essential for effective communication and literacy development.

Language-I (Hindi)

  • Language comprehension questions.
  • Pedagogy of language development.
  • Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency.
  • Teaching methods for Hindi.

Language-II (English)

  • Language comprehension questions.
  • Pedagogy of language development.
  • Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency.
  • Teaching methods for English.

HTET PRT General Studies Syllabus

The HTET PRT General Studies syllabus encompasses subjects like history, geography, and social sciences. It aims to build a strong foundation in general knowledge, fostering an understanding of the world and its diverse aspects.

Haryana-Related Knowledge

  • History, current affairs, literature, geography, civics, environment, culture, art, traditions, and welfare schemes of the Haryana Government.

HTET PRT General Intelligence & Reasoning Syllabus

The General Intelligence & Reasoning section includes logical reasoning and problem-solving skills, designed to assess candidates’ mental aptitude and analytical abilities.


  • Semantic Analogy, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Figural Analogy.
  • Semantic Classification, Number Series, Figural Series.
  • Problem Solving, Word Building, Coding & Decoding.
  • Numerical Operations, Symbolic Operations, Trends.
  • Space Orientation, Space Visualization, Venn Diagrams.
  • Drawing Inferences, Punched Hole/Pattern – Folding & Unfolding.
  • Figural Pattern – Folding & Completion, Indexing, Address Matching.
  • Date & City Matching, Classification of Center Codes/Roll Numbers.
  • Small & Capital Letters/Numbers Coding, Decoding and Classification.
  • Embedded Figures, Critical Thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence.

HTET PRT Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus

The Quantitative Aptitude section focuses on numerical and mathematical skills, covering fundamental arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.


  • Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals, Fractions, and Relationships Between Numbers.
  • Percentage, Ratio & Proportion, Square Roots, Averages, Interest.
  • Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Allegation.
  • Time and Distance, Time & Work.
  • Basic Algebraic Identities of School Algebra & Elementary Surds.
  • Graphs of Linear Equations.
  • Triangle and Its Various Kinds of Centers, Congruence and Similarity of Triangles.
  • Circle and Its Chords, Tangents, Angles Subtended by Chords of a Circle.
  • Common Tangents to Two or More Circles.
  • Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons, Circle.
  • Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres.
  • Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with Triangular or Square Base.
  • Trigonometric Ratio, Degree and Radian Measures, Standard Identities.
  • Complementary Angles, Heights and Distances.
  • Histogram, Frequency Polygon, Bar Diagram & Pie Chart.

HTET PRT Mathematics Syllabus

The HTET PRT Mathematics syllabus covers fundamental concepts such as arithmetic, geometry, and algebra. It focuses on teaching methods to develop problem-solving skills and a strong mathematical foundation in primary education.


  • Mathematics Content: Number System, Basic Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Data Handling.
  • Pedagogical Issues: Teaching methods for primary-level mathematics.

HTET PRT Environmental Studies Syllabus

The HTET PRT Environmental Studies syllabus includes topics on natural resources, ecosystems, and human-environment interaction. It aims to foster environmental awareness and understanding in students through practical and theoretical approaches.


  • Content: Family and Friends, Food, Shelter, Water, Travel, Things We Make and Do.
  • Pedagogical Issues: Teaching methods for EVS at the primary level.



Preparation Tips for HTET PRT Level 1

  1. Understand the Syllabus: Go through the syllabus thoroughly and focus on high-weightage topics.
  2. Practice MCQs: Solve previous year question papers and mock tests to improve speed and accuracy.
  3. Focus on Pedagogy: For Child Development and Pedagogy, focus on teaching methodologies and child psychology.
  4. Revise Regularly: Revise key concepts and formulas regularly to retain them.
  5. Time Management: Allocate time to each section based on your strengths and weaknesses.


The HTET LEVEL 1 exam is a great opportunity for candidates aspiring to teach primary classes in Haryana schools. By understanding the syllabus, exam pattern, and following the right preparation strategy, you can crack the exam with ease. Stay focused, practice consistently, and give your best!

Download the HTET LEVEL 1 Syllabus and Exam Pattern PDF for offline reference and start your preparation today!

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